Source code for interpolated_coordinates.utils.generic_representation

r"""Generic versions of the |Representation| in :mod:`astropy`.

These classes assume less about the constituent dimensions than their astropy
counterparts. This can be useful for working with phase-spaces that are not
real-space positions (or derivates thereof). However, care should be taken when
using many of the methods of these generic representations since they inherit
from the astropy real-space representation machinery.

You will probably not be instantiating these classes directly, but encountering
them from :mod:`interpolated_coordinates` classes like
:class:`interpolated_coordinates.InterpolatedSkyCoord`. However, one can get and
use the classes, with all the above-noted caveats:

    >>> import astropy.units as u
    >>> from interpolated_coordinates.utils.generic_representation import \
    ...     GenericCartesianRepresentation

    >>> r = GenericCartesianRepresentation(1, 2, 3)
    >>> r
    <GenericCartesianRepresentation (x, y, z) [dimensionless]
        (1., 2., 3.)>
    >>> r.x
    <Quantity 1.>

The real convenience lies with differentials, which can go to arbitrary order.
Recalling that many of the methods will give incorrect results, these classes
are primarily useful for consistent and familiar data storage.

    >>> from interpolated_coordinates.utils.generic_representation import \
    ...     GenericSpherical2ndDifferential

    >>> d2 = GenericSpherical2ndDifferential(1 * u.rad/u.s**2, 2 * u.rad/u.s**2, 3 ***2)
    >>> d2
    <GenericSpherical2ndDifferential (d_lon, d_lat, d_distance) in (rad / s2, rad / s2, km / s2)
        (1., 2., 3.)>


from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import sys
from functools import reduce
from typing import Any, ClassVar, cast

import astropy.coordinates as coord
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates.representation import DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES

__all__ = [


    object | str,
    GenericRepresentation | GenericDifferential,
] = {}


class GenericRepresentationOrDifferential(coord.BaseRepresentationOrDifferential):  # type: ignore[misc]

[docs] class GenericRepresentation(coord.BaseRepresentation, GenericRepresentationOrDifferential): # type: ignore[misc] """Generic representation of a point in a 3D coordinate system. Parameters ---------- q1, q2, q3 : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or subclass The components of the 3D points. The names are the keys and the subclasses the values of the ``attr_classes`` attribute. differentials : dict, `~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential`, optional Any differential classes that should be associated with this representation. The input must either be a single `~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential` subclass instance, or a dictionary with keys set to a string representation of the SI unit with which the differential (derivative) is taken. For example, for a velocity differential on a positional representation, the key would be ``'s'`` for seconds, indicating that the derivative is a time derivative. copy : bool, optional If `True` (default), arrays will be copied. If `False`, arrays will be references, though possibly broadcast to ensure matching shapes. Notes ----- All representation classes should subclass this base representation class, and define an ``attr_classes`` attribute, an `~collections.OrderedDict` which maps component names to the class that creates them. They must also define a ``to_cartesian`` method and a ``from_cartesian`` class method. By default, transformations are done via the cartesian system, but classes that want to define a smarter transformation path can overload the ``represent_as`` method. If one wants to use an associated differential class, one should also define ``unit_vectors`` and ``scale_factors`` methods (see those methods for details). """ attr_classes: ClassVar[dict[str, type]] = {"q1": u.Quantity, "q2": u.Quantity, "q3": u.Quantity} @staticmethod def _make_generic_cls( rep_cls: coord.BaseRepresentation | GenericRepresentation, ) -> GenericRepresentation: """Return a generic form of a representation. Parameters ---------- rep_cls : |Representation| or `GenericRepresentation` Representation class for which to make generic. Returns ------- `GenericRepresentation` subclass Generic form of `rep_cls`. If `rep_cls` is already generic, return it unchanged. Subclasses are cached in a registry. """ cls: GenericRepresentation # 1) Check if it's already generic if issubclass(rep_cls, GenericRepresentation): cls = rep_cls # 2) Check if it's cached elif rep_cls in _GENERIC_REGISTRY: cls = _GENERIC_REGISTRY[rep_cls] # 3) Need to dynamically define the generic class else: name = f"Generic{rep_cls.__name__}" bases = (GenericRepresentation, rep_cls) # attributes: copies `attr_classes` attrs_meths = {"attr_classes": rep_cls.attr_classes} # add link from `qX` to the attr method # TODO! # for i, k in enumerate(rep_cls.attr_classes.keys()): # def get_attr(self): cls = cast(GenericRepresentation, type(name, bases, attrs_meths)) # cache b/c can only define the same Rep/Dif once _GENERIC_REGISTRY[rep_cls] = cls # also store in locals setattr(sys.modules[__name__], cls.__name__, cls) sys.modules[__name__].__all__.append(cls.__name__) return cls
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- def _ordinal(n: int) -> str: """Return suffix for ordinal. Credits: Parameters ---------- n : int Must be >= 1 Returns ------- str Ordinal form `n`. Ex 1 -> '1st', 2 -> '2nd', 3 -> '3rd'. """ i: int = n % 5 * (n % 100 ^ 15 > 4 > n % 10) # noqa: PLR2004 return str(n) + "tsnrhtdd"[i::4]
[docs] class GenericDifferential(coord.BaseDifferential, GenericRepresentationOrDifferential): # type: ignore[misc] r"""A base class representing differentials of representations. These represent differences or derivatives along each component. E.g., for physics spherical coordinates, these would be :math:`\delta r, \delta \theta, \delta \phi`. Parameters ---------- d_q1, d_q2, d_q3 : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or subclass The components of the 3D differentials. The names are the keys and the subclasses the values of the ``attr_classes`` attribute. copy : bool, optional If `True` (default), arrays will be copied. If `False`, arrays will be references, though possibly broadcast to ensure matching shapes. """ base_representation: coord.BaseRepresentation = GenericRepresentation @staticmethod def _make_generic_cls( dif_cls: coord.BaseDifferential | GenericDifferential, n: int = 1, ) -> GenericDifferential: """Make Generic Differential. Parameters ---------- dif_cls : |Differential| or `GenericDifferential` class Differential class for which to make generic. n : int The differential level. Not used if `dif_cls` is `GenericDifferential` Returns ------- `GenericDifferential` Generic form of `dif_cls`. If `dif_cls` is already generic, return it unchanged. Subclasses are cached in a registry. """ # 1) check if it's already generic if issubclass(dif_cls, GenericDifferential): return dif_cls # 2) check if `n` is too small to make a differential if n < 1: msg = "n < 1" raise ValueError(msg) # 3) make name for generic. if n == 1: # a) special case for n=1 name = f"Generic{dif_cls.__name__}" else: # b) higher ordinal dif_type = dif_cls.__name__[: -len("Differential")] name = f"Generic{dif_type}{_ordinal(n)}Differential" cls: GenericDifferential # A) check if cached if n == 1 and dif_cls in _GENERIC_REGISTRY: # i) special case for n=1 cls = _GENERIC_REGISTRY[dif_cls] elif name in _GENERIC_REGISTRY: # ii) higher ordinal cls = _GENERIC_REGISTRY[name] # B) make generic else: bases = (GenericDifferential, dif_cls) # get base representation from differential class. # and then get the generic form generic_base = GenericRepresentation._make_generic_cls( dif_cls.base_representation, ) # attributes: copies `attr_classes` attrs_meths = { "attr_classes": dif_cls.attr_classes, "base_representation": generic_base, } # Make generic differential cls = cast(GenericDifferential, type(name, bases, attrs_meths)) # cache, either by class or by name _GENERIC_REGISTRY[dif_cls if n == 1 else name] = cls # also store in locals setattr(sys.modules[__name__], cls.__name__, cls) sys.modules[__name__].__all__.append(cls.__name__) return cls @staticmethod def _make_generic_cls_for_representation( rep_cls: coord.BaseRepresentation, n: int = 1, ) -> GenericDifferential: """Make generic differential given a representation. Parameters ---------- rep_cls : |Representation| class Representation class for which to make generic. n : int Must be >= 1 Returns ------- `GenericDifferential` Of ordinal `n` """ rep_cls_name: str = rep_cls.__name__[: -len("Representation")] if n == 1: name = f"Generic{rep_cls_name}Differential" else: name = f"Generic{rep_cls_name}{_ordinal(n)}Differential" cls: GenericDifferential if name in _GENERIC_REGISTRY: cls = _GENERIC_REGISTRY[name] elif dcls := DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES.get(rep_cls_name.lower()): cls = GenericDifferential._make_generic_cls(dcls, n=n) else: cls = cast( GenericDifferential, type( name, (GenericDifferential, rep_cls), {"base_representation": rep_cls}, ), ) _GENERIC_REGISTRY[name] = cls # also store in locals setattr(sys.modules[__name__], cls.__name__, cls) sys.modules[__name__].__all__.append(cls.__name__) return cls
# =================================================================== def __getattr__(name: str) -> type: """Get a generic direct subclass of an Astropy representation. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the class. Returns ------- type Raises ------ AttributeError If `name` doesn't start with "Generic", the "Generic"-removed name is not for a :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` or :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential`. """ if name.startswith("Generic"): name = name.replace("Generic", "") if name.endswith("Differential"): # strip the ordinal # Get the type, e.g. Cartesian i: int = len("Differential") kind: str = reduce(lambda k, n: k.split(n)[0], "0123456789", name[:-i]) # Get order of the differential j: int = len(kind) order: str = reduce(lambda o, s: o.split(s)[0], "tsnrhd", name[j:-i]) n: int = int(order) if order else 1 # 1st derivative is an empty string name = kind + "Differential" cls: coord.RepresentationOrDifferential | Any if cls := getattr(coord, name, False): generic_cls: GenericRepresentationOrDifferential if inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, coord.BaseRepresentation): generic_cls = GenericRepresentation._make_generic_cls(cls) elif inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, coord.BaseDifferential): generic_cls = GenericDifferential._make_generic_cls(cls, n=n) else: msg = f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}" raise AttributeError(msg) return generic_cls msg = f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}" raise AttributeError(msg) # def __dir__(): # return sorted(dir_out + __all__ + )